When this blog was started, its aim was to expose the wrongdoings of one particular multinational, to provide a voice for the small against the big and powerful, to FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. I realize now that this can be a tool for others to air their concerns which, if left to the bullies alone, will forever remain ignored. Let's see if we can change the age-old adage of 'you can't fight city hall.' This incident just happened recently:
Residents of Retreat St, Bridgeman Downs, were delighted when they received from council the final draft of the Bracken Ridge and District Plan. It’s intent was to give future certainty to councilors, developers and more importantly, the residents. The new plan ensured the retention of the quiet, leafy character of their street. Little did they know that the plan they (councilors and residents) had worked on for over 5 years, would mean nothing when the council ignored all aspects of this new plan when considering a new development application for the street.
Whatever happened to the draft plan? Why throw away five years of collaborative work, where the voices of those concerned were heard? It just does not make sense. We should dig deeper to find out.
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What a disappointment Brisbane City Council have turned out to be.
ReplyDeleteHow could Brisbane City Council ignore the Plan that they and the residents had worked on for so long. It makes you wonder if there is any benefit in Neighbourhood Plans after hearing about this one,
ReplyDeleteShame, shame Brisbane City Council.
ReplyDeleteI thought things like this only happen in third world countries where citizens are ignored whether by government or powerful individuals and organizations. This is most true here in the Philippines where the leader is so corrupt and so disliked. Well, misery loves company.
ReplyDeleteResidents had faith in the Lord Mayor in this matter, but it appears he has ignored the residents as well. The Brisbane City Council needs a shake up.
ReplyDeleteI have looked at the Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan on the Brisbane City Council web site and cannot believe they are allowing such an inappropriate development to proceed. Smells to me.
ReplyDeleteOn review of this situation, it appears developers has preference over residents certainly by the Brisbane City Council. I believe an Action Group should be formed to deal with circumstances such as in this case.
ReplyDeleteAll concerned residents in the Brisbane City Council electorates should join Action groups in their local areas to ensure what has happened above, does not happen to them.
ReplyDeleteHow can a developer receive approval in 8.5 months when similar approvals in the area average 18-24 months? Is this assistance given to selected developers to beat the new Neighbourhood Plan before it has been adopted?
ReplyDeleteI've just heard what is happening in Retreat St and am disgusted that the Councillors who had such co-operation from the residents could simply turn their back on them to favour a developer who is flauting all of the work done on the neighbourhood plan. They are our paid representatives. I think they are disgusting.
ReplyDeleteThe Brisbane City Council and its councillors speak with forked tongues. On the one hand they encourage our involvement in formulating a new neighbourhood plan, while on the other they favour their mates the dvelopers and ignore the needs of residents. I will not participate in any such charades when our neighbourhood is next involved in such charade. Shame on you. What do we pay you for?
ReplyDeleteI know Retreat Street. What a magnificent place. I can't believe Brisbane City Council could let this happen. Surely it can be stopped?
ReplyDeleteWhere was the support of out local councillor Norm Wyndham. No where to be seen when. we asked for support. Unacceptable behaviour, I hope everyone remembers this at the next election. Please note all councillors in Brisbane City, you need to support your constituents when situations arise such as this one.
ReplyDeleteIt would appear that some developers get preferential treatment by the Brisbane City Council and normal residents applying for development applications get the run around.
ReplyDeleteBrisbane City Council web site on the 23/10/2009 states that Council takes strong action to protect residents in Acacia Ridge by recognising the Neighbourhood Plan. This plan is not as advanced as The Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan. SO WHY THE INCONSISTENCY?
ReplyDeleteBrisbane City Council should give strong consiteration to The Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan. However even the old City Plan 2000 states. (1) Land to be developed in accordance with neighbourhood structure plan. (2) Development is well planned and intergrated with surrounding land uses. (3) Road and street development are coordinated and interconnected. (4) Maintain Character of area. (5) Discourage isolated subdivisions in developing areas and encourage land amalgamation and forward planning of neighbourhoods and conform with local plans and detailed Neighbourhood Structure Plans. (6) Ensure new residential development contributes to plesant living environments and is designed to intergrate with, rather than be segregated from,existing development in the area. (7) Higher density housing in residential neighbourhoods is to be in locations that can be effciently served by high quality public transport or are close to the City Centre. (8) Development should respect and be compatible with the local character. (9) Development in Emerging Community Areas is to be orderly and well planned.Connectivity maintained in roads and open space and support localcharacter identified in any relevant local plan. SURLEY THIS IS CLEAR EVEN PUTTING ASIDE THE COMPLETED BRACKEN RIDGE AND DISTRICT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN.
ReplyDeleteIs Brisbane City Council more concerned by being taken to court by developer if Council take a stand with residents,as stated in a letter from counillor Norm Wyndham to residents receintly? WHERE IS YOUR BACKBONE?
ReplyDeleteMy understanding with high density housing is that it is to be undertaken close to public transport hubs. Certainly none around here.
ReplyDeleteThere is around 50 hectares of land to be developed in close proximity to Retreat Street. All residents are asking of Brisbane City Council and their councillor Norm Wyndham and Amanda Cooper is to support the spirit of the new Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan which they helped to develope over the last 2-3 years. To allow a few hectares as a transition zone between emerging community land and rural residential land is common sense. Surley that is not to much to ask. Unless there is another more sinister reason for there silence?
ReplyDeleteFor residents in the greater area of Bridgeman Downs. It has been suggested that a Formal Action Group be formed and the district be brought up to date with current events via a mail drop. If a membership of 100 plus could be attained, great pressure could be applied to not only Brisbane City Council but also are local Councillor. WATCH THIS SPACE.
ReplyDeleteYou can look at the finalised Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan on the Brisbane City Council website. The development site is listed to be of Habitat and Biodiversity value with a wildlife movement corridor. Yet Brisbane City Council have chosen to ignore this completly and approve the DA. What happened to the Clean and Green image the Brisbane City Council promotes continuously. It appears they can do what ever they like when it suits them or a developer mate. Poor show Brisbane City Council.
ReplyDeleteResidents of the area recently applied to have 11 significant trees (SLT), currently under a VPO listed and protected under Brisbane City Councils own Natural Assets Local Law. All these trees are on the development site in Retreat Street and fall within the the catergory outlined in the Natural Asset Local Law document November 2003. Brisbane City Council has advised residents that it has chosen to ignore it's own guidelines and allow the removal of these significant trees. Something is amiss here.
ReplyDeleteI have read much of what residents are saying,and suggest you have one of the media organisations pick up this very odd behaviour by the Brisbane City Council. It certainly looks suspicious.
ReplyDeleteI have noticed that another DA has just been approved on Ridley Road in close proximity to Retreat ST. It appears to be of a simular size and has taken 37 months to obtain approval. The one in Retreat ST. has only taken 9 months and had a number of significant objections. It looks like special treatment by Brisbane City Council for this developer. I thought Campbell Newman was above this,maybe not. Elections eventuality come around.
ReplyDeleteI can remember as far back as 2004 when the majority of residents met with Councillor Carol Cashman and started planning what was to became the concept of The Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan. After all the work put in not only by many residents but also Carol,Amanda Cooper and Norm Wyndham over all those years,how does Brisbane City Council and our local Councillor completely ignore resident's wishes. Something is wrong here?
ReplyDeleteAs a resident of the area I have lost any faith in Norm Wyndham our local councillor. Receintly he sent a hand signed letter to our home as well as many others stateing there was to be a service station developed in our street. He later advised it was a mistake. He is either inept or incompetent or worse. So it does not suprise me that he is not supporting residents in this common sense request. Common sense is not one of his skills.
ReplyDeleteI like the suggestion of the action group. Keep us all posted if it developes. Seems like the way to influence Brisbane City Council. I am sure we could round up the numbers.
ReplyDeleteAll residents covered in the Brisbane City Council region should be aware of the circumstances surrounding this develoment application. It suggests that certain developers get preferential treatment.
ReplyDeleteg'day neighbours, congrats for taking this matter public. this type of city hall disregard for local interests is happening all over our city. I live in west end and have been subjected to city hall bullying and the playing of developer interests over locals. I suggest you contact people like the West End Community Association (WECA) who have much experience & some success. good luck.
ReplyDeleteSo much for Brisbane City Councils catch cry, Australia's most livable city. What a joke when you consider what has apparently happened in this case.
ReplyDeleteDisgraceful act for a lovely street.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Bribnane City Council is so desperate for more building blocks that there ignoring proper procedure. So much for our clean-green image they keep promoting. Don't forget elections are coming.
ReplyDeleteI am happy to give our Lord Mayor credit when credit is due, leading the charge with great road and tunnel infrastructure, however I find it very disapointing to see the same Brisbane City Council ignoring all the work done on Neighbourhood Planning by residents and council and allowing this inappropriate development up against rural land. Resident's are more important than any tunnel. THEY VOTE.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what happened to the green and environmental issues in Brisbane City Council. It appears when you have prefential treatment you can knock down any trees you wish. There are a number of substantial trees under a VPO which council has allowed the developer to remove. What a joke, typical politicians.
ReplyDeleteNorm Wyndham, please take note, you need to look for another job. You won't be a councillor after the next election after your lack of support in this issue.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading some of the comments made, residents should talk to Red Tape Busters. They have helped us on simular issues. This type of pressure is one of the best ways to have Brisbane City Council take notice. Good Luck.
ReplyDeleteCampbell Newman should jettison Morm Wyndham and all spineless councillors before the next election if he wants to retain power.
ReplyDeleteAll caring residents should form a group to, not only fight such suspicious and smelly development approvals, but also to ensure that councillors without backbone are not re-elected to just warm office chairs and ignore the legitimate needs of their constituents who put them in their jobs.
ReplyDeleteI for one am prepared to join such community group. Lets all register our interest in this site. Tht's how people power can work. Lets rid ourselves of councillors who serve only their mates and not their constituents
ReplyDeletePlease tell me how the Brisbane City Council can allow a DA on a proposal that allows 33 block as small as 400 Square metres when across the street the residents are not allowed to subdivide blocks of less that 2,500 square metres. This smells of an "old boys network" to me, especially when the new neighbourhood plan prevents such ridiculous clashes. Is there anyone in City Hall who has the backbone to make a correct decision which does not favour the developer? We need new housing blocks, everyone acknowledges that, but why ruin something that is working and which typically represents what Brisbane is all about? There is a very upleasant odour about this approval and connection.
ReplyDeleteThe Brisbane City Council has given this developer mate approval to cut down all trees in the area for whereas refused a resident in the same street permission to cut down a tree which is dangerously close to his house. Where is the consistency? Where is the justice? It seems that you need to be a developer to get anywhere with the Brisbane City Council and not a stupid resident and elector? Maybe one should make some substantial political donations to get any permissions? Brisbane residents should be angry and upset at this travesty because we have the numbers to put these people there and are the last consideration on their check list. At the very top of the favour list is the developer.
ReplyDeleteBrisbane City Councillor, Norm Wyndham, alleged representative of residents of Bridgeman Downs, Where are you? When will you show some courage and support your constituents and protect them from such shambolic activities?
ReplyDeleteTwenty seven residents lodged an appeal today to fight Brisbane City Council and the developer. It will cost residents a huge amount of hard earned money to try a get an outcome that is acceptable. We will be fighting Brisbane City Council who will be using residents rate funds to oppose us. How ridiculous. This could all be avoided if common sense had of been applied and residents lisented to. The process is all wrong and needs fixing.
ReplyDeleteI am utterly disgusted that our ratepayers' money will be wasted in such fashion. Not only will the disadvantaged ratepayers of Bridgeman Downs have to dig deep into hard earned funds, but the fat cats of the Brisbane City Council will merely use our money to try to defeat the residents' appeal. There is something very rotten in the current system when this sort of thing is allowad to happen. I wonder how the councillors and other fat cat bureaucats would make their development decisions if their own resources were on the line, that is if they had to risk their accumulated wealth to defend themselves from an unhappy developer. I can only assume that they would turn to water and take the cheapest way out. Unlike this situation where they have unlimited amounts of our money to ensure a pleasant outcome for their developer mates.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the Green Party in all of this? If you know anyone in that organisation why not post the details on this blog site so that the aggrieved parties can rectuit their help. The Brisbane City Council is breaking all of the rules in this development by completely ignoring the Vegetation Protection Order placed on substantial number of trees on the proposed site. In their hocus-pocus method of justifying their decision they are quoting a 1946 aerial photograph which shows cleared land. Yes, of course, the area was a pineapple farm at that time! But, Hello!!! some 63 years have elapsed since then, and many protected trees have been planted and have flourished. I think that the Brisbane City Council department in charge of protecting listed flora is nothing more that a rubber stamp! Nothing more tha mere seat-warmers who do as they are told when the powers that be tell them. Shame on you all. How can you collect you salaries and pretend that you are doing the job you were appointed to do? How can you sleep at night knowing that you are bending the truth to such an extent and disadvantaging the very people who provide the funds to pay your salaries???
ReplyDeleteI agree! Green Party where are you? Your fighting spirit is needed in this Brisbane City Council stoush! Show your leadership and resourcefulness! This is a legitimate problem! No hippies or tree higgers needed. Only sensible informed people who genuinely care about their environment! If this develoment is allowed to proceed everyone will be a loser!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm told that another resident of Retreat St was not allowed to subdivide blocks less than 2,500 square metres on the same side of the street, yet the Brisbane City Council have approved many blocks of 400 square metres for this developer. Doesn't make sense and definitely smells.
ReplyDeleteBrisbane City Council and Councillors take note, you will pay for the injustice as it appears in this development. People will band together and you will bear the consequences of your actions. Shame on you all.
ReplyDeleteOur money will be spent by Brisbane City Council bureaucrats and councillors to defend a badly made and completely unfair decision. As well, other ratepayers will need to dig further into their pockets in order to stand up for what is right and fair evn though their own money is being used to pay for the opposition parties. This is not a third world country, or is it? Where is the fairness in all of this? The very councillor who is supposed to represent them becomes a funded defendant against them at no cost to himself. Good going fellas. And we have the hide to criticise Fidel Castro and the Cuban regime.
ReplyDeleteBrisbane City Council and its councillors actively encourage citizens to participate in their respective District Neighbourhood Plans. What a joke! What a sick joke!! After hearing about what they did to the residents of Retreat Street in Bridgeman Downs there is no way anyone should waste their time dealing with lying representatives who will "knife them in the back" at the first opportunity.
ReplyDeleteNorm Wyndham, You're paid to look after the interest of your constituents. Where are you? What have you got to say? Let's all hear it so we can form an informed decision before the next election. All I hear is Shrieking silence from you. Is it because you may have been caught out? If not, then say so. Your silence is very damaging!
ReplyDeleteWhat is needed here is "people power" lets form a residents action group to resist this thing. Get the Green Party on side and lets push the incumbents out of office. I'll vote for anyone except the gutless sitting members.
ReplyDeleteBCC = Bigger Cats Cash-in
ReplyDeleteIt's quite obvious that Brisbane City Councillors no longer work with ethics or integrity. It's a greedy opportunity for both their council and the developer involved. An embarrassment for such a lovely city.
ReplyDeleteThe Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood lookout - your next if the BCC continue oh this ugly path.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck to all residents in fighting against this gross injustice.
ReplyDeleteThe new Neighbourhood Plan was signed off by the State Government in early November. It was then sent to the Brisbane City Council for adoption at their next Council meeting. To date it has still not been adopted. This delay can only assist their developer mate in his fight against the residents. This is a shabby trick by the Councillors who have some explaining to do.
ReplyDeletePolitical donations to Brisbane City Councillors for their election campaigns should only entitle the donor to access to people, but definitely not to preferential treatment and privilege over other citizens.
ReplyDeleteThe developer lodged his subdivision application before the new Neighbourhood Plan had a chance of being adopted by the Brisbane City Council.
ReplyDeleteHis application was approved with "irreverent haste", in some 8.5 months. All developers who work in the area will tell you that, on average, it takes 24 months for an approval. One such application recently took 3 years. This looks like special treatment which is not afforded to others. What is the motivation?
hi neighbours. It looks to me like the delay by the brisbane city council was designed to give their mate an advantage. i bet you that a phantom chainsaw man will suddenly emerge to cut down all the trees after sunset. never to be seen again. the developer will pay the fine and shake his head about the sad event.
ReplyDeleteThere are only two or three green belts left in Brisbane, and Bridgeman Downs is one of them. It takes decades to establish these mature green corridors, yet Brisbane City Council seem hell bent on clearing them, for either its obsession for 400 square metre housing blocks or to look after their political mates. Both are wrong,very wrong. Development of our city should be designed around these established flora areas, not the reverse. What happened to the so called Clean and Green image we keep hearing about. Practice what you preach.
ReplyDeleteBrisbane City Council use all of the warm and fuzzy statements regarding enviromental issues purely for political purposes. When the crunch comes, they do what ever suits them. As far as listining to its residents, I believe that this falls into the same category. One rule for us and a different rule for them. I have had a gut full of it. I will be part of any formalized action group. Keep us informed.
ReplyDeleteNorm Wyndham was never voted for in this electorate by many of his constituents. He inherited his position in a re-distribution of boundarys. I am sure he will be judged at the next Brisbane City Council elections on his inaction for residents.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it normal for developers to engage with residents who may be affected by a new subdivision? I believe that this developer smeaked in with his dubious proposal without a word with or explanation to the adjoining residents. why such behaviour? I think it should be a pre-requisite condition of DA that developers provide evidence of community consultation.
ReplyDeleteThey say that approval was given by the Brisbane City Council in September 2009. Why then was official notice of that approval given to the objecting residents on Christmas Eve? Surely this wouldn't be a ploy by the Council to ensure that an appeal could not be lodged on time! It is a time when most people aew away on holidays. It looks as though the Council has shown its hand. I thught that it was their responsibility to also look after the ratepayers' interests.
ReplyDeleteA developer is only in the game to make the maximum amount of money and then move on. That's a fact of life. So you have to expext some dirty tricks and cutting of corners. They don't give a continental about the mess they leave behind for future generations. That's the nature of the beast. But the Brisbane City Council who is charged with the application of the law should be beyond reproach. First and foremost it should protect its ratepayers from dodgy developments and maintain the natural character of the existing environment. Why have they sided with the developer?
ReplyDeleteI have always had the ambition to live in a street like Retreat st, however, on hearing what the Brisbane City Council are doing to it, I would never entaertain the idea, values are bound to plummet. I wonder if the buyers of blocks in "Bridgeman Royale on Retreat" are being informed of the impending increase in traffic and residents at the other end of their street? if this information is being withheld and they are not being informed about a new street opening into Retreat St, then is there a case for false representation?
ReplyDeleteI drove up Retreat Street on Australia Day to have a look. Surely Brisbane City Council aren't going to allow the removal of those huge Poincias on the street. There magnificent.
ReplyDeletewe are all told that we need to find more blocks for the influx of people into our city. It seems a very reasonable statement which I agree with. However, how can we have a mix of 10,000 m2 on one side of the street and 400 m2 density housing on the other? Doesn't make any sense! Brisbane City Council is showing some inconsistency and ineptitude here, especially when they are approving total removal of protected trees for the inappropriate 400 m2 development! How dare they! Those trees belong to all of us. They are not playthings for the developer to do as he wishes!
ReplyDeletei have red the comments so far. please don't give up. fight them to the finish. right is on your side and you will prevail.
ReplyDeleteAttention residents covered by suburbs by the Brisbane City Council, you need to be aware of how this Council operates. This particular case highlights how certain people can do whatever they like and get away with it. Please take the time to check the facts of this issue and realise it could happen to you as well. We all need to stand up to type of ignorance of the needs of residents and leave certain areas green.
ReplyDeleteHow could the Brisbane City Council allow a developer permission to remove trees covered by VPO's. The reason for doing so "' they would have compromised some of his blocks". What a great excuse for a council to give for removal of trees probably in excess of 50 years old. It is a disgrace for a council, that states it listens to the residents and is Australia's most liveable city. Shame on you, and everyone please remember this at the next elections and show them they can't ride rough shod on their constituents.
ReplyDeleteWhere was our councillor Norm Wyndham's support for the majority of the residents who opposed this development. He needs to go, and I'm sure that everyone who becomes aware of this issue will ensure thai happens at the next election. We need representatives that stand up and be counted, not run away and hide like a stray dog . I hope he was a better school teacher than a councillor.
ReplyDeleteThe Action group is being formed now, and we have probably 50 residents who want to be involved and assist if possible with this issue. They are also keen to show this council that residents count and they will ensure their voices are heard at the next election.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I can see, the residents of Retreat St have not acted in a frivolous manner. I have looked at the facts and all interested parties should do the same. There is no emotional bent here. These people are balanced individuals who have decided that they will not take it on the chin. Right is on their side. Examine the facts for yourself. Look at the Brisbane City Council development applications site and see the various documents and the dates when they were registered. There is nothing there that says the residents are wrong. Those same residents gave more of their time and effort in formulating the new Neighbourhood Plan than most residents in the area. More positive submissions were made by their street that any other in the district. They are getting kicked in the teeth as a thank you for their efforts. The very councillors they supported and assisted fullsomely have turned their backs on them to assist a developer mate. Something is very rotten here! They need our support and encouragement. The developer and the Council simply cannot be allowed to get away with this caper or it will be repeated in other streets!
ReplyDeleteI for one am interested in becoming involved in the proposed action group. I hope it will focus on the Bracken Ridge, Aspley, Bridgeman Downs area as I live in that territory. Please indicate a contact point either by way of postal address, e-mail or telephone that I may do something positive. I support the Retreat St residents all the way, having discovered what is being done to them by the Brisbane City Counil and its councillors.
ReplyDeletehas the phantom chainsaw done his job yet? the developer will not care about a $65,000 fine. he will only add the extra cost on to the average cost of allotments. the brisbane city council are the villain in this drama. they ignore residents' requests for preservation of threes and side with the developer. mr citizen, just you try to cut down a tree and see what the council does to you. it is all one sided and unfair. it's time to change the rotten and questionable misuse of authority by the privileged few.
ReplyDeleteTo the Lord Mayor Campbell Newman, Councillors Amnada Cooper and Norm Wyndham. We the residents place you on notice that we do all humanly possible to advise all residents of the Brisbane City of your actions in this matter. Your acceptance of this development clearly shows that some developers are favoured and are able to do whatever they like. Residents all over the city need to understand that the Neighbourhood Plans are just a sham, another piece of political bullshit, that they can use if they want or ignore as well. You can understand why politicians are held in such low regard, when you consider all the facts in this matter. We would welcome any residents that may wnat to join our Action group.
ReplyDeleteI have contacted the West End Community Association for assistance. They have dealt with these type of issues with Brisbane City Council many times. They may be able to advise us on the setting up of our own Action Group. Will keep you all posted.
ReplyDeleteThose purchasers of blocks in "Bridgeman Royale on Retreat" are paying big bucks for blocks because of the charm and quiet environment of Retreat St. I wonder if they are fully aware of the addirional traffic from 32 new blocks at the other end of the street which will increase traffic past their doorstep dramatically, thanks to the Brisbane City Council. I wonder if they would entertain the purchase if that information was disclosed to them. If it isn't disclosed, how can the vendor claim he is being honest with the purchaser? Some of the new block are as small as 400 sqaure metres. Bet you that ultimate occupiers of those future houses will have more than 2 cars per house. That's about 90 plus additional cars through the street every day. Nice work!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the comments above. I moved into the street for a quiet and peaceful retirement. Now I will be subject to a busy and noisy street, why can't the Council leave certain areas green and for the most part unchanged.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe the Brisbane City Council have ignored the plan in which the residents helped create. Retreat Street is not an appropriate location for High Density housing.
ReplyDeleteThe area in question at Bridgeman Downs contains a large variety of native animals and trees. No doubt these will be cleared to make way for the housing development.
ReplyDeleteI am extremely disappointed the Brisbane City Council have chosen to ignore the neighbourhood plan. The local residents contributed their time and effort into making the plan beneficial to all parties. High density housing is not appropriate for the area concerned, public transport is at a minimum and the native wildlife will be cleared for the housing development. The plan was put in place for a number of reasons and now it seems as though it is all being ignored.
ReplyDeleteSame rules are not being applied to this DA that were applied to another closeby DA.How much donation if paid needs to be disclosed.
ReplyDeleteThis same plan was rammed through by Campbell Newman and his LNP Councillors like Amanda Cooper and Norm Wyndham to increase densities in Taigum and Boondall up to FIVE STOREY HEIGHTS! AGAINST the wishes of local residents. Watch out - your suburb may be next.
ReplyDeleteAs a resident to the area I have watched this whole process unfold. From seeing many of my neighbours working togeather for up to five years on the Neighbourhood Plan supported by Amanda Cooper and Norm Wyndham our local councillors. To now see these same councillors totally ignoring the residents and avoid answering correspondence is shameful to say the least. Brisbane City Council has had the local Neighbourhood Plan finalised for months and has it sitting on a shelf and avoids adopting it. The relationship between our council and this developer seems very unhealthy.
ReplyDeleteI am convinced that Brisbane City Council have a stragety of frustrating its residents on controversial issues. They avoid giving straight answers to straight forward questions. They do this to run people down until there sick and tired of the whole business and give up in complete frustration. I believe that this is exactly what it is designed to do. We need people like you to pressure our Government institutions to be acountable. Don't let these Turkeys get you down.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Norm Wyndham is relevant to the discussion anymore; he has been conspicuously silent as far as residents can see. He will not be there after the next election. One could wonder whether he already has a job arranged, perhaps with a developer?
ReplyDeleteRoll on an Action Group for northern residents. Brisbane City Council do
ReplyDeletenot seem to pay any attention to resident's concerns or objections to inappropriate developments, despite Campbell Newman's invitations to Brisbane residents to "have their say". It seems as though this developer has a lot of influence with BCC, certainly far more than residents do.
Brisbane City Council are allowing a development that goes completely against the Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan. Since councillors Norm Wyndham and Carol Cooper played a role in development of the Neighbourhood Plan, it is strange that the NP is now not being progressed by BCC.
ReplyDeleteBCC sent it to Qld Government for approval; it was completed by State Government, signed, sealed and returned to BCC on 2nd November for implementation. BCC are now sitting on it. Why?
Good question! Especially since the Neighbourhood Plan was developed over a number of years, and was in it's final stages of writing (by Brisbane City Council) when the developer lodged a development application, which disregards the Plan completely. Nevertheless BCC approved the application, in record time, and as for the neighbourhood Plan - fully completed and passed by Government, but now stalled by Council while the developer has received BCC approval.
ReplyDeleteSomething stinks amid all of this. Brisbane City Council councillor Norm Wyndham, are you paid to represent the residents? Residents of many other areas of Brisbane will be very interested in how Brisbane Council deals with this funny business. Elections are powerful tools.
ReplyDeleteThese same two blocks in Retreat Street that are to be developed by a Division of Oxmar Properties has one of there subcontractors living in one of the houses. He has been dumping truck loads of demolition waste on the property and burning it after dark. This has been reported to Brisbane City Council last year and nothing has been done about it. Once again this Developer seems to be protected. WHY?
ReplyDeleteFor residents that live on Rural Residential land in the Bridgeman Downs area be advised a new Action Group is in the process of being formally constructed. A mail drop to the entire area is planned outlining what has happened in Retreat Street as well as planned objectives for the future. Processes used by Developers and Brisbane City Council need to be changed. This Action Group will focus on giving residents more say in the development of our great city.
ReplyDeleteI thought the Brisbane City Councils Neighbourhood Planning process was to give residents more input into development in their suburb. This doesn't look the case in Retreat Street. Keep up the fight for the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteWhen Can Do Campbell became Lord Mayor of Brisbane City Council we all had high hopes for a man more interested in fixing Brisbanes problems and listening to the residents than playing politics. How times change, he's learning his new art of politics well. His new slogan should read "Do What I like Campbell"
ReplyDeleteI, like, you saw Campbell Newman as a breath of fresh air for this city. A man who kept grinding away at the state government to achieve the beginning of a solution to our existing gridlock. I congratulate him on his grit and determination. However, Campbell, someting is very wrong with this Retreat St caper. I think your Council mandarins have done a "snow job" on you regarding this smelly development and you have supported it. Anyone who believed in you has to decide that you have either been conned by your internal advisers, or you simply have something more dark and nefarious to explain. Please help us to continue believing in you. Don't let us down!
ReplyDeleteEvery day lately we see more and more Development Applications and Approvals for inappropriate Development within Brisbane by Brisbane City Council. What is happening, are Council so obsessed with achieving their quota of new dwellings that they're ignoring residents as well as the protocols that have been put in place to deal with these applications. Brisbane residents are becoming very disillusioned with our Lord Mayor saying one thing " I will always err on the side of residents" but doing what ever suits him. Lift your game Lord Moyor.
ReplyDeleteYour right my local paper as well as the Courier mail, ABC radio and TV have had numerous articles on this very issue not only today but for weeks. Poor show Brisbane City Council.
ReplyDeleteThe Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan approved by State Government in early November 2009 sits on Brisbane City Council shelves gathering dust. The Council does not seem to want to adopt it. Why is that? Is there some other agenda. Residents have been trying to get an answer out of Council since early November. No one will respond to our phone calls or answer our correspondence. No wonder residents are P***** off. This type of arrogance and disrespect only makes people dig in deeper.
ReplyDeleteThe Brisbane City Council's spin department sends all the warm and responsible messages to Brisbane residents. However The Council lead by the Lord Mayor works on a completely different agenda. He is becoming the same as the rest of them --- Speaks with forked tongue.
ReplyDeleteI cannot understand why the Brisbane City Council is sitting on our district neighbourhood plan and has not yet adopted it. The relevant state government minister signed off on it in October 2009. What is the reason? Is it to help their developer mates? Some answers are needed.
ReplyDeleteIt is not only happening at Bridgeman Downs. Brisbane City Council have also ignored local plans at Weat End allowing a 30 story tower to be approved. It seems our Lord Mayor is desperate to raise funds from DA fees involved. Too bad for the residents off the area.
ReplyDeleteOur Lord Mayor is in the paper today saying he supports residents in trying to stop duplex housing. Why can't he support residents that have worked togeather with Brisbane City Council to develop a Neighbourhood Plan over the last 5 years against inappropriate development in our neighbourhood. More SPIN.
ReplyDeleteI see on the Brisbane City Council web site that Lord Mayor supports Sherwood residents with their Neighbourhood Plan. What is wrong with residents in the Bracken Ridge and District getting similar support. Where is the consistency.
ReplyDeleteThe Lord Mayor seems more interested in raising funds through DA fees than looking after our great natural flora assets of our city. Look at the sudden change in planning requirements all across Brisbane in favour of Developers over flora and resident lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteAs a resident living in the area I thank everyone that has posted a comment exposing Brisbane City Council as the BULLIES they are. Lets keep those comments them coming.
ReplyDeleteSince November last year many residents that worked with Councillors in developing our local plan have on numerous occasions, written, emailed and phoned Head of Neighbourhood Planning, Amanda Cooper as well as the Lord Mayor to find out when The Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan is to be adopted by Brisbane City Council. To these numerous requests, residents have heard nothing, not even the courtesy of a response. What agenda is behind this disrespectful inaction by elected Councillors.
ReplyDeleteDue to pressure from our legal team,the media many residents writing,emailing and phoning Amanda Cooper and Campbell Newman since November last year, the Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan is to adopted the week of the 8/3/2010 by Brisbane City Council. It is sad that it takes all this to have Council do the right thing by Brisbane residents.
ReplyDeleteWould you believe that Brisbane City Council's Ecology Department has advised residents that trees planted after 1946 are not significant. Even though they meet all the specifications of their own Natural Assets Local Law. I was not aware trees had to be a certain age. It seems that on this Development Application it does but not on any other blocks in the same street. Where is the consistency in this logic.
ReplyDeleteGreat news today. Brisbane City Council have finally adopted the Bracken Ridge and District Neighbourhood Plan. Thanks to all those who wrote,emailed and rang Council and Councillors in a effort to have this achieved. Lets hope we can now all work togeather to achieve the outcomes of the new local plan.
ReplyDeleteGood step forward but what a joke that the citizens have to resort to such measures to have a plan enacted which was principally years ago. The council needs to wake up and understand it acts for the people not just the people inside the council office walls!!
ReplyDeleteEven though there is black & white evidence that the Council Ecology Departmernt have dismissed listed trees as being of any significance because they were planted after 1946. (Which is itself an absolute joke) why then have the council prevented another development at the end of Retreat St from removing trees which are no more that 15-20 years old? It appears that you have to be a developer mate. Not so if you are a private citizen who applies for a DA for a subdivision which coplies with all of the requirements of the new Neighbourhood Plan. It seems that to get favourable treatment from the Brisbane City Council you need to be 1. a developer, 2. a pal of the councillors and 3. break every principle that the new Neighbourhood plan stands for. Surely we deserve better! The present system is rotten. It is not one political party or the other, they both make use of completely one-sided laws and regulations which must be changed. As I said before, we deserve better!
ReplyDeleteHow many times are we going to hear that another suburb in our city is going to be over developed by Brisbane City Council. The latest is Lutwyche. They are taking no notice of residents and their submissions on how they would like to see the area developed. The whole idea of resident involvement in the planning process is a total farce.
ReplyDeleteThe development site under appeal at 79 Retreat Street Bridgeman Downs have over the last 10 months have been dumping demolition waste on the site and burning it after hours. After numerous complaints over the last six months to Brisbane City Council and the Health Department. Today Good Friday, they are sorting more waste with bobcats and burning it. Of course no one at Council wants to know about it on a public holiday. These people seem to be a protected species.
ReplyDeleteCr Amanda Cooper was blowing the "spin" trumpet in the papers recently regarding the Lutwyche LAP and how the Brisbane City Council had consulted with the community regarding the best way to proceed. What a lot of absolute nonsense.
ReplyDeleteOut of 210 submissions 90% of them supported local leadership for local development and opposed over-development in Lutwyche. The 90% of the public view was completely ignored and the council began their spin through their "mouthpiece".
It took an opposition spokesman to speak the truth to the news media.
There is something seriously flawed with City Hall's continually ignoring the views and imput of local residents.
But there is something even more rotten in bending the truth with the media and packaging it in such a way as to make it sound like they are some sort of heroes of the average citizen. Nothing could be further from the truth!
We have the same problem here in Mitchelton.
ReplyDeleteWe have an action group M.A.G and we are looking for other groups and people interested in joining together to form a large Brisbane Group against ALL Council planning actions.
Please contact me if you wish to be involved or know of other groups who would be interested?
My email is environsand@Yahoo.com.au
Please put RE:development as the header.
The residents of Retreat Street, Bridgeman Downs, currently involved in an appeal against Brisbane City Council, intend to formalize an action group on behalf of all residents in our council electorate later this year. We will affiliate our group with others including WECA. We intend to mail drop the entire electorate for membership. How sad it is that residents have to build another layer of bureaucracy to protect their rights because our elected councillors and council fail us.
ReplyDeleteI really dont like the way Brisbane has gone as a result of poor planning which continues to this day, these high densities are going to be slums, but as a tradie reliant on building industry to support my family I see the real issues we are facing and also see that areas within a 30 km radius of the city need to be redeveloped for best use. Unfortunatley we all need to realise that the Bligh govt a few years ago rezoned a lot of previously developable land under the urban footprint to non residential & subsequent vegetation and koala laws this year courtesy of blighs husband now affects a lot of the developable res zoned land. This has pushed up land prices substantially as development land is now scarce and the costs from govt have gone through the roof & a lot of development dependant jobs ie planners,builders,trades,civils etc are now seriously under pressure. Any Developable land now needs to be utilised to its highest yield & best use especially within range of the city & services. There is now a need & demand to provide more housing. The housing market runs on the age old formula of supply and demand,we have a massive demand & the govt dramatically reducing supply, we have buyers who cant afford to buy a home and existing home owners complain about development. Just remember the land you own for your home was once a development and the people around it at the time probably didnt like it either but did you care then? no you wanted a home. I allways have a laugh at people who complain about development, it was ok to develop your home but now no one else should be able to? and if a developer knocked on your door and offered you $2m would you be still complaining? if you dont like development then why not take a real stand and knock down your home and replant a forest. These higher yield developments are actually increasing the value of your property. You should also be aware that the Bligh state govt is now developing land as the Urban Land Development Authority, they rezone their land, clear it regardless of fauna and approve it very quickly without any public consultation. fitzgibbon chase was approved in under 6ths up to 8 storeys and they cleared vegetation with glider colonies. www.ulda.qld.gov.au instead of tackling the real issues with affordabilty and supply and supporting sustainable development they have gone and become a developer themselves. This authority should have been established to process development applications, source developable land for rezoning, assist the developers and builders to provide quality housing & remove the development processing from incompetent councils. There is plenty of cleared unzoned land around Brisbane that could be better utilised. In Summary all i am saying before whinging think about the big situation and take your issues to the state govt who are the real cause of the high densities we are now forced to deal with.
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with the comment above, why do we all seem to think that just because we buy a property and live there then we have the right to tell other property owners in the area what they can and cant do with their property. Im very sure if someone was telling you what to do with your properties then you would be carrying on like no tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteAs long as someone isnt building a nuclear plant
or proposal that can hurt the health of local people or substantially lower the value of local properties then the council should approve on the the merits of the application and not tke into account the oppinion of every Tom,Dick and Harry in the area wants or thinks.
I this case we are talking about the provision of more homes close to the CBD, train, roads and services. The whole of Bridgeman downs is under utilised land close to the city, which is easily serviced, it should be seriously considered by govt as a higher use urban precinct.
Go ahead a form an anti development group you may delay development and add substantial costs to projects that will only get passed on to the end user but at the end of the day common sense will prevail.
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